Guest Book |
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Total Entries: 31 |
Ainsley Jo Phillips |
Saturday, 6/24/06, 8:08 PM |
D.S. angels bless me, and I can never get
enough of reading about them! You're doing a great service in how
you're helping wonderful people to reach their potential while
entertaining and educating a world! |
From: |
Anderson, IN |
Web Site: |
Absolutely Delicious Website |
Email: |
AJ1952Chats@riversongs.tv |
How did you find our
site? Started out with catching up with Chris Burke and went
from there! |
Patricia Gomez |
Tuesday, 5/30/06, 4:11 PM |
Please send dates and times of your plays.
My family would like to attend. I have a daughter who is 24 with down's
and we would be interested in seeing the plays and attending. Please
send emails of events. Thanks. |
From: |
Los Angeles, CA |
Email: |
zemog3rdcentury@aol.com |
How did you find our
site? down's syndrome paretns group |
Lara |
Sunday, 5/21/06, 1:24 PM |
Hi Aunt Mary!!! I hope that you will do my
Language Arts Teacher's play and send me a copy of it! I love you and
can't wait to see you this summer! Tell Casey I say hi!!! ~Lara |
From: |
MI |
Email: |
purplepicklegirl@yahoo.com |
How did you find our site? I
looked up a picture of you on Google Images and I saw your picture and
it led to here |
Grover Helsley |
Sunday, 3/12/06, 9:55 AM |
Thank you for letting me be a part of the
group. |
From: |
Los Angeles, CA |
Web Site: |
SendMeMovies.com |
Email: |
Grover@sendmemovies.com |
How did you find our site? David
Zimmerman |
Lorena Egurvide |
Tuesday, 12/27/05, 9:54 PM |
Great to see! |
From: |
San Gabriel, CA |
Email: |
egurvide5@hotmail.co, |
How did you find our site? My
brother is proud to be a member of the born to act players. My family
truley enjoy all the performances but most especially the work that is
being done for individuals with DS. Thank you from the bottom of our
hearts! Go ELVIS ~ We love you! |
Lorena Egurvide |
Tuesday, 12/27/05, 9:51 PM |
Great to see! |
From: |
San Gabriel |
Email: |
egurvide5@hotmail.co, |
How did you find our site? my
brother is a member of the born to act players. |
Donna Clubb |
Tuesday, 12/6/05, 3:09 PM |
Margie Thomas told me to check out your
website. My son is Down Syndrome. He is 37 years old. We might be
interested in your program. Thank you, Donna |
From: |
La Crescenta, CA |
Email: |
donnaclubb@hotmail.com |
How did you find our site? DSALA |
evangaline taylor |
Monday, 12/5/05, 7:33 AM |
From: |
austin,texas |
Email: |
desiree.9yrs@netzero.com |
How did you find our site? gail
williamson |
Vicki Allen |
Wednesday, 11/2/05, 8:10 PM |
Hi - I am the proud Mom of a young man,
Luke, who has Down syndrome. He is 24 years old. He is a joy to us. He
enjoys singing and dancing and is very funny!! He has a job and many
other interests! He is proud of his accomplishments. He wants to get
married and live independently. I am sure this will happen one day. I
wish he could meet more adults with Down syndrome. Looking forward to
watching the Nip/Tuck series with Bliar starring in it. Thanks for
educating people about people with Down syndrome! Vicki Allen |
From: |
Canada |
Email: |
vallen@nexicom.net |
How did you find our site? Media
release on young man with DS who is an actor |
Mary James Mead |
Wednesday, 11/2/05, 10:13 AM |
My son, Scott is 43, has Down Syndrome,
highly functional and lives in a group home in conjunction with
Misericordia. He also works at Lowes. My late husband began the very
first group of parents with children who have DS. It is now NADS here
in Chicago. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your group. We
lived in Connecticut for 10 years and could never find anything like
this for Scott who at that time was very interested in performing. He
no longer has that interest. I just want you to know how long a road
this has been since 1961 but to see all that is available for these
great people is a thrill. Scott was born when I was 21. I now am in
shock when I realize what a fine contributor to society he is and how
he has touched all the lives of everyone who knows him. Thank you,
again. Mary Mead |
From: |
Illinois |
Email: |
mjames@sqadco.com |
How did you find our
site? through NADS |
Wednesday, 11/2/05, 9:33 AM |
Claire Garner |
Tuesday, 11/1/05, 4:00 PM |
This is great! I have a little born actress
with Down Syndrome and I wish we lived in CA.! I would definately sign
her up! Claire |
From: |
MA |
Email: |
alltogethernow01@al.com |
How did you find our
site? through a Downs Syndrome org. |
Wayne Pere |
Tuesday, 10/11/05, 5:23 PM |
Web Site: |
Wayne Pere |
Email: |
wpere@hotmail.com |
Karen Lambert |
Wednesday, 8/3/05, 8:15 AM |
Dear Mary, I have viewed your web site with
excitement and a hint of tears---I finally found the drama group I had
heard about!!My son is 17 years old and has Down syndrome. He has taked
Drama class each year in school and loves to perform. For the first
time the other day when his friend's parent asked him what he wanted to
do after high school, Joshua said "I want to be an actor". Are you
accepting any new participants? I would love to get Joshua connected
with your group and give him a chance at his dream. Can you help?
Sincerely, Karen (562) 879-6914 |
From: |
Downey, Ca |
Email: |
sipocoffee@gmail.com |
How did you find our site? DSALA
Connection article |
Lindsey Warren |
Tuesday, 6/14/05, 6:52 AM |
The website is awesome!! It is great to see
pictures of the performances since I am not often able to be there! |
From: |
Boston, MA |
Email: |
lindseyw5@hotmail.com |
How did you find our
site? Andrew Warren |
Jack Ong |
Thursday, 5/26/05, 6:35 PM |
I think the Born to Act Players are
exceptional, and they're so blessed to have a professional actor and
teacher like Mary to guide them. Every performance I've seen over the
years has been a testament to the actors' natural gifts and to Mary
Rings' unique ability and passion to bring out their very best. God
bless Mary and the Born to Act Players! You deserve all the support we
can give, because you give us so much. |
From: |
Santa Monica, CA |
Web Site: |
/ haingngorfoundation.com |
Email: |
jack@jackong.com |
How did you find our site? Mary
Rings told me! |
Cynthia Reyes Fillmore |
Monday, 5/23/05, 6:29 AM |
Hi Christine! |
From: |
Monrovia, CA |
How did you find our
site? Christine Young's mom |
Linda Sites |
Thursday, 5/19/05, 12:19 PM |
What a wonderful page..........of course I
loved seeing Christine Young. |
From: |
San Dimas, CA |
Email: |
umlinda!msn.com |
How did you find our site? Dana
Young |
Rafael M. Zuniga Jr |
Tuesday, 5/10/05, 12:14 PM |
Hello, it is great to hear and see that
other people are willing and able to help others with special needs. I
have worked with chidren with special needs and other than being very
hard work it was a blessing to have worked with them. I would like to
how you work? Are you funded by an organization or by a loving rich
person? I myself am an actor...but with a pencil! I am an animator! I
am producing a short with characters with special needs. If I need
actors can I count on you guys? Let me know. Thank you for all that you
do and God Bless. Rafael M. Zuniga Jr. |
From: |
Rosemead CA |
Email: |
rmzanim8@hotmail.com |
How did you find our site? DSALA |
Sharon Rowe |
Sunday, 5/8/05, 2:49 PM |
What a great sight!!Was great to see all
the kids in their different performances. I am a long time friend and
fan of Christine Young and have known here since she was a wee one in
preschool. It was fun to see her pictures of her performances seeing as
I live so far away and am not able to see her in person. All the kids
looked great and like they have alot of fun doing this. My hats off to
all the great actors and actresses and those who work with them. |
From: |
Susanville, CA |
Email: |
diamondlady47@hotmail.com |
How did you find our site? Dana
Young recommended it |
Michael Young |
Saturday, 5/7/05, 3:37 AM |
Keep up the great work. I am very proud of
all of you. Your fan (and brother) -Mike |
From: |
Monrovia, California |
Email: |
myoung@sullivans.navy.mil |
How did you find our site? Family |
Ed and Jean Young |
Friday, 5/6/05, 3:35 PM |
Christine Young Has a song deep in her
heart and only she can her it. With Born to Act performers she
expresses her special and magical talents with all of you that she
truly loves. She wants everyone to be happy then you too will here her
song and see her at her best. keep up the great work. Mr.Mrs. Young |
From: |
Monrovia |
Web Site: |
E&J |
Email: |
ejy66@aol.com |
How did you find our
site? Christines Youngs mother |
Marina Boldireff |
Saturday, 4/16/05, 9:53 AM |
The headshots look terrific! The website is
wonderful. Congratulations! Much love to all, Marina & Sasha |
From: |
Toronto, ON Canada |
Email: |
anmfilms@hotmail.com |
How did you find our
site? Michael Boldireff's - sister |
Maureen Fitzhenry |
Thursday, 4/7/05, 8:18 AM |
Our daughter Paula had a wonderful
experience working with Mary, helpers and the Born to Act players. We
look forward to seeing you this summer and were excited to find the web
site. Love, Jack, Maureen and Paula Fitzhenry |
From: |
Marblehead, MA |
Email: |
maureenfitzhenry@msn.com |
How did you find our site? Gail
W. forwarded |
Julia |
Saturday, 2/26/05, 5:36 PM |
Doug Sebern |
Friday, 2/18/05, 4:00 PM |
Am delighted to discover that there are
others with vision and heart. It doesn't suprise me that Mary would be
one of them. Best |
From: |
Montana |
Email: |
Sebern2@sofast.net |
How did you find our site? Mary
noted in letter |
Doug Sebern |
Friday, 2/18/05, 3:58 PM |
debbie |
Wednesday, 2/2/05, 12:53 PM |
The Broadway show was fabulous. I really
enjoyed it. The opening number,"There's no business like show business"
was spectacular. Watching David and Sarah in "Sixteen going on
Seventeen" was adorable. The girls in the "All that jazz" number were
too cute. 'A whole new world" was so sweet. Glen and Jessica were so
funny in "Honey Bun". Casey and Susie in the Oklahoma number was way
too sweet. I did that show in high school so I am very fond of that
number. I also so enjoyed watching Ben and David in "Hey
There".Kristine Johnson In "singing in the rain" was too much. So many
to comment on all the numbers. the actors were great and I truly
enjoyed the show and seeing all my friends on stage. I can hardly wait
for the next one. See you all soon. It was a job well done by all.
Debbie |
From: |
california |
Lois Winchester |
Sunday, 1/30/05, 12:22 PM |
Great Site, long overdue. Thank You! |
From: |
Middleville, MI |
How did you find our site? Aunt
of Casey |
Debbie Bronsal |
Wednesday, 1/26/05, 5:49 PM |
I am just so excited that you kids finally
have a web site. i think it is fabulous so far and can hardley wait to
watch it grow. I will check it often. I love all the pictures. The best
part is that know i get to see you kids whenever i want. All I have to
do is click! Love to all of you I am looking forward to seeing you in
person this coming weekend. |
From: |
Caifornia |
Email: |
cccfairygirl@aol.com |
How did you find our site? Mary
told me about it |
Sheri |
Saturday, 1/22/05, 3:48 PM |
I really loved the show today . . . Jan 22,
05. The website is great especially the pictures and cast info. . . tap
your troubles away, I always say (see broadway show Mack & Mable)
Love to all . . . Sheri :) |
From: |
Los Angeles, CA |
Email: |
WriterGirlie@aol.com |
How did you find our site? Mary
Rings at the Show
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