Thank you for your support!
Musical Numbers from
Mamma Mia..Westside Story.. Fiddler on the Roof .. The Sound of Music
"Trust me, it's going to be one of the most uplifting, inspirational shows you're ever going to see".
Daily News
"Born to Act Players demonstrate their performing abilities at the Madrid Theatre"

My first impression at yesterday's stunning performance of BTAP's "Broadway Bound" production at the Madrid Theatre was, as usual, " can't get much better than this!" But then that's what I've been saying at every BTAP show over the years!!! What a professionally staged (as usual), so very very inspirational (as usual), so totally outstanding in every way (as usual). My heartfelt CONGRATS to all the players and to the entire crew. Special congratulations to the incredibly amazing MARY RINGS!!! God bless you all!
Jack Ong
They laughed, they cried, "you could feel the emotion in the audience"
Congratulations on the tireless efforts of our parents, and to everyone that contribute time and effort running the show. Mary it's a great time to witness all this joy you have envisioned! Born to Act Players are Super Troopers!
with love
BTAP rocks!!! So energetic and talented. The audience was on its feet before the cast could even finish singing the last number. Wowweee!
And the collective helping hands of the BTAP assistants, parents and tech crew - just overwhelming! Bravo!!
Mary... Congratulations to YOU!
You did it again!!
A WONDERFUL SHOW!!!! Everyone said it was their favorite!
Hugs & Love..
Robin & Andrew
Thank you Cissy. You were/ are sensational. The "Born To Act Players" are very life-affirming. Fun, funny, and touching.
It is I who follows in your shadow were superb!!
Jacques Hay
Our family said the only negative was that they ran out of Kleenex! Congratulations Mary and all the wonderful volunteers.
Karyn & Sam
The amazing Born to Act Players did it again...the best show ever with a great audience in a fantastic theater....U ROCK can't wait until the next're getting better and better... too much of a good thing is wonderful....
"I really enjoyed the show. Great job by each actor! Your pipes are still
in excellent condition."
Congratulations and high fives to our great group of players, assistants, parents and our fearless director Mary who is always our anchor and guiding light. I knew this show would be a hit but couldn't, in my wildest imagination, conceive of the impact we would make on our audiences. Being at the Madrid was a thrill and we proved that we can attract big crowds and leave them begging for more.
Mary, thank you for putting together such a beautiful show!
Saturday, Jan 22nd, 2011 2:00 and 7:00 pm....Sunday, Jan 23rd, 2011 2:00 pm

Dear Mary....once again Bob and I want to thankyou for an inspiring and entertaining evening with the BTAP.Thankyou for your wonderful work...for an evening of terrific heartfelt energy and some great laughs !!!and bye the bye you have a lovly singing voice.....till next time..lots of love from both of us...
"Absolutely spectacular improv show "Right Here and Right Now"!! A very special thank you to you, Mary, and to all of the Born to Act Players for such an entertaining and inspirational show, filled with passion, love, and heart! All of the actors are soooooo talented, inventive, and gifted!!!!!!!
Thank you for giving us such a warm, fun, and lovely afternoon. We loved all of the sketches! The first sketch (at the beach) was absolutely incredible!!!! We loved hearing you recite quotes by John Wooden, Shakespeare, Helen Keller and Einstein. The Dating Game is always a favorite!
The show was sooo much fun! We didn't want it to end!!! Can't wait for the next show!
Dear Mary, Thank you for all that you give to your actors, their families, and to your fans!!!
We love you!!!!"
Cathy Ross-Pierce
What great shows this past weekend. The Awesome Born to Act Players did it again. It was so much all did great...
You're the best!!!!
"We've got magic to do just for you"--those words from our opening number set the stage for all that was to come as we wowed our audiences with our latest hit production at LA Valley College--RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.
This show had something for everyone of all ages. Our song and dance numbers touched many hearts. We were so moved by Larry Sargent singing about a dream of world peace with our dancers moving in harmony to the music. "Love Changes Everything" was another beautiful song-dance number featuring the voices of Cissy Wellman, Bailey Harrisberger and Adam Cloud along with graceful dancing from several of our players. That song title could be a mantra to describe the love flowing throughout the theater at each of our three performances.
Then there was the laughter as we treated our audiences to many different kinds of improvisations including our human machines, our unique renditions of "The Dating Game" and improv skits of all kinds. We never knew what was coming next and neither did anyone else. The fun was ongoing as each person in our troupe stayed in the moment and let the creative actor within come out to play. We are definitely ready for prime time.
We always impact anyone who sees us by the power of our talent and effort. This production had the extra inspiration of recited, often memorized, quotes from the great minds of John Wooden, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein and William Shakespeare. Their wise words were spoken by our actors clearly and with conviction.
Any show filled with improvisation is also filled with surprises but nothing topped the surprise our director Mary Rings had for everyone at our last performance on Sunday afternoon. Out on the stage came the young members of the BORN TO ACT PLAYERS JR.-- a new group of kids that meet with Mary once a week at the Down syndrome office. Tears were flowing as they performed for us. It was a glimpse of the future--our program expanding as we move toward our dream of making our magic available on a much wider scale. It's happening--right here, right now.
Mary started our closing number with her lovely strong voice singing "The Climb". We all joined her to pour our deepest feelings into that song that reminds us that is not about the end result even though that is important. Most of all, what we do is about reaching for our dreams--the ongoing journey--the climb!! We are going forward to begin work on our next production and upward toward greater heights of excellence.
Bravo, once again, to the amazing BORN TO ACT PLAYERS!
Lynne Goldklang

You started on a voyage to the Caribbean that was interrupted with a zany chase by a mad detective looking for the man wearing a blue hat with the letter T on it. Tyler Powell’s clever madcap mystery kept the audience guessing and totally absorbed. You managed so many entrances, exits and hat passing with ease. You had fun and so did your audiences. You worked so hard to learn your lines and true acting talent was on display. Tyler, who is dry docked in Oregon, would have been proud.

Our very talented writer, actor, performer Larry Sargent gave you a chance to play out the life of Billy Pepper against the background of the last fifty years. It was amazing how such a big span of time was covered in just one short play that moved through the years with good times, hard times and music. The play had a wide range of acting challenges and evoked deep feelings as we watched Billy evolve and come full circle back to his hometown to reconnect with people who loved him. Larry, once again, gave us moments to remember. He was not able to be there for the second performance and I hope he could hear the applause ringing throughout the San Fernando Valley. Thanks, Larry and get well soon.
From the sea to the air--getting on to the desired destination was once again a challenge as we watched the antics of a group of would be passengers on a delayed super-saver flight who were grounded. Each passenger gave us a unique character that contributed to the fun. The actors rose to the challenge of taking an attitude and staying with it. The airline personnel kept us laughing and wondering what would be next. The falafel guy was so convincing that he probably could have sold dozens to the audience. Jerry Masterson, our multi-talented assistant wrote, directed and acted in the play and his talent shines very bright.
What could have been a better ending that a piece of pure Americana as we were treated to the heart warming, funny and informative play all about baseball and family--written, directed and starring our own brilliant Glenn Powell. You didn't have to love baseball to love this play, In addition to the acting, there were several original songs written by Glenn Powell and Mary Rings and performed beautifully by cast members along with Mary. Just as it true at a ball game, the audience was cheering and rooting for you--the home team. Everyone knew their parts and gave their all. You knocked it out of the park!xt.
So many acting, singing, dancing, writing and directing talents were on display. I could write so much more and single out so many more people because my heart is full and I'm just awed by all of you. Of course, once again, bravo to our Mary Rings for making it all happen as our creative director and founder. How lucky we all are to have her and have each other.
Love you-- Lynne Goldklang (aka Deputy Smith!)
The Born to Act Players did it again 2 awesome performances of Originals 3 to a sold out audience both day BTAP "You Rock" !!!!!!
Once again, I feel thrilled and honored to be part of THE BORN TO ACT PLAYERS.
You did it again with four one act plays filled with challenges including lots of dialogue to memorize. You succeeded with hard work, love for acting and commitment to our group.

...the three shows (including dress rehearsal) were transformative for the actors, parents and audiences.
The expressions of love and joy throughout the social hall, stage, front and back, were palpable.
I feel to honored to have watched every actor grow into his/her role from the very beginning. The journey was long and magical; the utcome magnificient.
With each actor's performance hearts grew; friends and families exhaled, and slow rolling tears expressed the splendor of each moment. Backstage, new bonds of friendships formed and old bonds grew.
Congratulations to all who made this vision become a was a blessing to be part of this BTAP experience.
Thank you,
Aniko and Brandon
Hi Mary-
I want to thank you again for putting on such a wonderful show. I have gotten so many positive emails and phone calls from friends and family that went to see the amazing performances. They were moved and touched in so many ways. Reminded me of the first time we came to audit, I was a complete mess. I had no idea that these amazing beings were not only so capable, but enjoying every minute of it. I will never be the same, nor will anyone who comes in contact with such a gift.
Thank you for all your hard work.
Monique Rice
P.S. The volunteers do such a great job, Robin. Thanks to you too.
I know it truly takes a village and all of your efforts are appreciated.
You are one amazing lady, Mary. Born To Act Players is like the cornerstone of his week. The production was so amazing. He is looking to this Saturday and the cast party.
Wow! We are still on a “High”.
I agree with Monique. Thank you, thank you for all you do and who you are.
Illana and Seth
I want to thank you for producing a show that not only entertained me wholeheartedly but a show that gives so much to the world. Your "players" are awesome and have so much to offer an audience.And they had so much fun doing it. I am looking forward to the next assembly you have planned. So, let me know. Fantastic! Loved it! Thank you!!!
Joachim "JT"
Congratulations to the Born To Act Players on another inspiring entertaining production. The chosen musicals were each unique yet filled with universal themes-- tolerance, respect for differences, equality for all andl-- the power of love.
MY FAIR LADY got our production going in such a "loverly" way. The last number "Get Me To The Church On Time" had special meaning to all of us who are part of BTAP because we needed a bigger location and got to our new home at the First Christian Church of North Hollywood just at the right time.
THE MUSIC MAN had us singing, dancing, head bopping and charmed by the power of the man and the music. We brought down the house with a rousing rendition of Seventy-Six Trombones to take us to intermission in an invigorating way.
The actual musical SOUTH PACIFIC was way ahead of its time in taking on issues of prejudice and intolerance. In our production, we focused on the light hearted and romantic songs from this great musical and had fun watching the guys longing for dames and the antics of honey bun along with the love songs that touched many hearts. Then came HAIRSPRAY. Everyone was involved in that high spirited musical.
HAIRSPRAY is not all puff and fluff. The musical is set in the 60's right at the time that teenage dance shows became integrated and major society changes were happening in the area of human rights. We danced, sang, romanced and ended our show with what could certainly be our theme song--"Come so far." Yes, Born to Act Players, we have come so far and we will continue to reach our dreams and goals. We are all in this together.
I'm so honored to be part of all you do as one of your assistants. You, along with your fearless leader, Mary Rings, are pioneers, blazing a beautiful path through rugged terrain--a path that will always be there for those who follow. You deserved your standing ovations along with the cheering and clapping. Hurray for you, Born To Act Players. Love, Lynne Goldklang

Friday/ Saturday Sept 7/ 8, 2012
First Christian Church of North Hollywood